Logging in as a Player brings you to the web/app home page where you are able to explore the Projects you wish to participate in. You may log in via the homepage where you will have the options to do so via single-sign-on (SSO).
1) Login Credentials
As stated, do use your corporate email as the Username, and the same Password that has been given by your company.
E.g Your email is jane.doe@company.com and your password given is 12345. Your login credentials would be as follows:
2) Logging In
3. Go on to insert your login credentials and click Sign In.
4. Once login is successful, you will be directed to the 25th Anniversary tour.
3) Trouble Logging In?
1) Situation A
2) Situation B
4) Not able to connect using Office Wi-fi?
This is for users who wish to access it in the office, are linked to the office wi-fi, but is having trouble logging in.
If you wish to access the CKGVRX link, we recommend you to either: