Gametize Hub

Scheduled Maintenance (29 March 2019)

Li Xin
Customer Experience Lead

We will be shutting down our supercomputer for scheduled maintenance from Friday, 29 March 2019, 2330 (GMT +8) to Saturday, 30 March 2019, 0230 (GMT +8). Well… more than maintenance, it’s an upgrade 😉

Server downtime is expected in the first hour, where the Gametize platform will be unavailable. In the remaining two hours, you may experience intermittent access. But, please do not be startled as we will be coming back better and stronger than before!

Wondering what’s happening during these 3 hours?

  • Data storage migration – translating into a better performing platform
  • Data security strengthening – further improving data protection system

Who will this affect?


  • Project Owners
  • Project Administrators
  • Project Moderators
  • Players


  • Admin Dashboard on web
  • Player web
  • iOS app
  • Android app

If you are experiencing a prolonged downtime period, please do drop us an email at Our Support Ninjas will get to you as soon as they can.