Gametize Hub

Guest Blogging Guidelines with Gametize

About the Gametize Blog
At Gametize, our mission is to turn the world into a giant playground. Our blog caters to a wide audience of business owners and decision makers, such as HR professionals, trainers, marketers, and talent acquisition specialists. We will accept guest posts that target at least one of these segments and are able to bring something new to the table.
To get an idea of our tone of voice and what topics we cover, please read our blog. If you like what you see, then great! Read on to learn more on how to become a guest blogger on Gametize.
The Gametize Blog covers all topics related to gamification and similar engagement methods. With our blog, we aim to educate our readers on the latest trends and insights in the world of gamification, gamification use cases, and gamification best practices. We’re always looking for contributors that can bring fresh, unique, and interesting content to the blog on all things gamification-related.
Below are some guest posts we have published so far. As you can see, guest posts offering verifiable examples, are visually appealing, and offer interesting insights have a better chance of getting published.  

Firstly, please note we do not offer monetary compensation for guest articles and operate on an in-kind cross-promotional basis, with the benefits being listed below.

  • Our blog gets on average 1K-4K visitors per month, and this is increasing steadily.
  • We will share your article on our social networks (FacebookLinkedInTwitter, and Instagram) for additional exposure. 
  • The Gametize team may use the article for educational and/or marketing purposes during workshops, webinars, client engagement, and project management. 
  • We will also promote the article to our partner programs, such as our Channel Partners Program and Content Collaborator Program, for additional opportunities for outreach.

Before featuring your article in our blog, we would require you to:

  1. Subscribe to’s Trial Plan (7 days free) and create a Gametize project related to your article’s topic.
  2. Share your Project and your article for our review. 
  3. When all is good after the review, we will feature your Project and Article under the category “Gametize’s Guest Subscribers”.
  4. You are required to subscribe for a minimum of 1 month (under any plan, from US$200/month); we will provide a coupon code for 20% for the first 2 months. We may sponsor the subscription depending on the Project. 

Do note that your article content should be related to the game and include the link to the game that you have created

Your article should:
  • Be 100% original and have not been previously published anywhere else.
  • Make sure not to violate copyright when using images and/or videos – please give credit when needed.
  • Be well-written, clear, and interesting.
  • Be educational and not overly self-promotional.
  • Provide attribution for all data or statistics cited with a hyperlink – your examples and statistics must be verifiable.
  • Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog. We have the right to revise and remove such links at our discretion.
  • Include your name and byline – see this guest post for an example.
  • Be submitted as a Google Document, for easier collaboration with the Gametize team.
Terms & Conditions
We have some important caveats to note when you submit a guest post to us. Please ensure you read and understand the below:
  1. Gametize reserves the right to reject contributions at our discretion.
  2. Gametize reserves the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at our discretion.
  3. Gametize reserves the right to update contributions in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  4. Gametize reserves the right to include calls-to-action to Gametize content, such as enquiry forms, mailing lists, and downloadable content. 
  5. In some rare instances, contributions may be removed from our Blog if it no longer meets our guidelines. Examples of reasons why a post may be removed include outdated links, the post containing information that is later verified to be inaccurate, or if the guest writer’s portfolio of work is not aligned with Gametize’s objectives.
  6. Guest contributors may not republish their contribution on the Gametize Blog in its entirety anywhere else. 
  7. All guest posts will have a disclaimer attached to them to indicate that guest posts do not imply endorsement. See this guest article for an example.
If you’re interested in contributing a guest post, please write in to the Gametize Academy at
In your email, please include the following:
  • Previous Work
  • Suggested topics you would like to contribute to the Gametize Blog

Prospective guest contributors who include the following information will be prioritized when we review such requests. We look forward to hearing from you! 😀