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Creating a Case Study with Gametize

If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you were directed by your friendly Gametize representative on creating a case study together. We’ll outline what goes into creating a case study with Gametize entails here.
Case Study Overview
Gametize has worked with [CLIENT] on [NAME OF PROJECT] during the period of [DATE RANGE] and would like to co-create a case study, with a focus on the methodology and strategic thinking employed by [CLIENT] & Gametize’s collaborative efforts that ensured the success of the [NAME OF PROJECT] project.
Case Study Goals
  • Showcasing Success: Demonstrate how Gametize’s solutions address challenges and achieve results, establishing best practices.
  • Client Advocacy: Empower [CLIENT] to justify their investment and promote the project internally.
  • Education & Knowledge Sharing: Serve as a learning tool for Gametize and clients, preserving insights for future projects.
  • Marketing Resource: Strengthen Gametize’s brand with a proven success story to attract and retain clients.
Contents of Case Study

The contents of the case study will follow Gametize’s 6D Framework ( and includes the following:

1. Problem Statement

  • What challenges were you facing?
  • What is causing these challenges?
  • Had you tried other solutions? What was your experience with other solutions?
  • How did you arrive at the conclusion that digitalization/gamification/etc. Was the approach?
  • Why did you choose Gametize?
2. Business Goals
  • What goals are you aiming to achieve with this solution?
  • How will you know if your game is a success?
  • What behaviors do you want to drive in your players?
  • What type of emotions should players feel about your game?

3. Player Emotions and Behaviours

  • What emotions should players feel? (e.g., excitement, accomplishment)
  • What key behaviors should players exhibit?
  • How do these emotions and behaviors solve the problem or meet the goals?

4. Player Profile

  • Who are your players? Describe their demographic: education level, management level, age, habits, etc.
  • Describe their motivations – for joining the game, for being part of the company, etc.
  • What other trends/behaviors do you notice in your target audience?

5. Gamification Strategy

  • How did Gametize work with you to determine the best solution to your challenges?
  • What was the narrative/theme/storyline of your game, and why did you choose it?
  • What was the visual style of your game, and why did you choose it?
  • What type of interactions / challenge types did you use, and why?
  • What was the rewards structure/tiering system? What type of rewards did you have?
  • How was the game rolled out? (e.g. promotion, marketing, timeline)

6. Results

What went well?

  • How was the user reception?
  • Good points about Gametize’s technology (e.g. user interface, user experience, technical aspects, etc.)

Other insights & areas of improvement

  • What didn’t go so well?
  • How can we improve the aspects of the project that didn’t go so well?
  • Any technical points of improvement (e.g. user interface, user experience, technical aspects, bugs, etc.)
    Other learning points
6. Conclusion
  • Did you achieve your goals? If not, then how close did you get to doing so?
  • How did you feel overall about the solution Gametize provided? 
  • Are there any possibilities for future growth and/or moving the engagement forward? If so, how?
Case Study Deliverables
  • Case Study Landing Page on the Gametize Academy Website
  • Case Study PDF Document
    • Detailed, comprehensive write-up of the case study, which is sent to the user’s email when they download the case study from the Case Study Landing Page.
    • Sample: Available upon request
Privacy Levels/Contents
At Gametize, we understand that confidentiality and privacy is of utmost concern to our clients with whom we collaborate with when creating a case study. It is still generally recommended to retain as much non-sanitized contents as possible, to avoid creating a case study that appears vague.
These are the “anonymity” levels that are available for each case study write-up. The general rule of thumb for how Gametize determines how “identifiable” a piece of information is whether a Google search of the information would return results revealing the Client’s name.
Item Public (Example Only) Anonymized (Example Only)
Name of Client
Acme Banking
“A multinational bank”
Region Client is based in
“Based in Southeast Asia”
Names of identifiable subsidiary brands, campaigns, programs and methodologies unique to the Client
Acme Smart Future Fiesta, QUEST Framework
We will replace the names with similar substitutes that evoke the essence of the original, such as “Smart Learning Festival”, “MISSION Framework”, etc.
Player’s identifiable information, such as name
Alex Neo
  • 1st level: Omit the surname (e.g. Alex N.)

  • 2nd level: Omit completely
  • Player’s identifiable information, such as profile image
    Use as-is
  • 1st level: Blur the profile image

  • 2nd level: Omit completely
  • Player submissions in the form of photos (e.g. selfies, wefies, sensitive information such as screenshots of enterprise software)
    Use as-is
  • 1st level: Blur out faces, and/or crop out faces. In addition, we will show as-is only submissions that are not identifiable to a specific person, such as submissions where their face is cropped

  • 2nd level: Omit completely, and replace with stock photos
  • Channels of Distribution & Terms of Usage
    Here are the channels & terms of usage where the case study will be distributed:
      • Website: The case study will be available on our Gametize Academy website (
        • Case Study Landing Page
        • Case Study PDF Document (downloadable)
      • Social Media: Upon launching the case study on our Gametize Academy website, we will promote it on our social media channels, which include:
        • Facebook
        • LinkedIn
        • Twitter
    Client Engagement
    • Gametize’s Client Engagement Team may use the case study as pitching material when liaising with prospective clients and partners.
    • The Gametize Academy Team may use the case study for educational purposes during public-facing workshops, and events (such as webinars and talks).
    • The Gametize Team will also use the case study as an internal learning tool for all Gametize employees.
    Contact Information

    Gametize Academy: