Gametize Hub

Jenni: Creative, Project Management, Customer Support

//you are most likely here to check out what kind of work Jenni is doing! You can find her portfolio here: Behance.

[Short blurb: Jenni joined Gametize under the SkillsFuture Work-Study-Programme, and is currently under team Creatives, Project Management and Customer Support. She holds a Diploma in Communication Design and supports the company with graphic concepts and creative visuals. She’s learning more about what it is like to design great User Experiences everyday!]

Jenni Jang (@jennijang) joined Gametize in hopes that she would be able to further her knowledge in Gamification as well as providing a simple yet kickass solution to problems all across the world. 

Probably irrelevant to you. My Bucket Playlist:

  1. Bring my parents travelling and be so rich I get to retire them
  2. Checkout everything in my Shopee cart 
  3. Go to Berlin for a music festival
  4. Listen to an old rockstar’s “back-in-my-day” stories
  5. Retire in Japan
  6. Live overseas for a while
  7. Live on my small but thriving business selling my own art 
  8. Collaborate with other artists and solidify my place in the world!
  9. Learn the secret to being content (or achieve Nirvana, whichever comes first)
  10. BE HAPPY 

Definitely irrelevant. Random fun facts about myself:

  1. I only listen to Monster by Kanye West for Nicki Minaj’s verse. 
  2. My mandarin is so bad it dishonors my family, I speak pretty decent Burmese tho!

And if you are still reading at this point…

It might also interest you that I draw in my own time, and should you decide to contact me:

– See for all Gametize events.