Gametize Hub

Gametize Roadmap 2022

As we head into 2022, the Gametize team hunkered down together and came up with ideas for our 2022 Product Roadmap! Read on below to find out more about what we’ve come up with for Gametize. Let us know, do any of these interest you? Had some similar ideas? Think any of these would really suit your use case? Please also feel free to head over to our Roadmap Game 2022 to leave your comments/feedback!

Locking/Unlocking Rule

We are looking to improve our locking/unlocking rules for multiple types of content (e.g. Topics/Challenges/Rewards/Achievements).

1. Unified unlocking rule
– We would like to unify our unlocking rules for all content as currently we have different rules for different types of content. E.G. Challenges can only be locked based on the completion of previous Challenges but achievements have many other rules that might apply to Challenges as well.

2. Scheduling Locking Rules
– Able to schedule a locking rule to start on a certain date
– Being able to unpublish an unlocking rule

3. New Locking Rules
– Able to lock without any rule (i.e. making an item impossible to unlock)
– Locking content to a certain position in the Leaderboard e.g. awarding an Achievement when a user is x position on the Leaderboard

4. New Awardable Actions
– Grant points to users for logging in for the first time
– Grant points to users for logging in within a specific time period e.g. bonus log in points for events

5. Unlock Based on Options
– Allow different content to unlock based on a particular quiz option
This can be used to build more custom narratives for Players

Rewards System

There are a few aspects of the rewards system that we feel might make the experience more rewarding.

1. Pre/Post Redemption Message
– To have two descriptions showing up before/after redemption of an item from the Reward store

2. Multiple Choice for Reward
– Allow users to select an option from a Reward e.g. selecting a shirt size

3. Coupon Code Redemption
– Allow admins to upload a list of redemption codes for Players to redeem
OR assign Players with coupon codes after they collect a Reward

4. Cancel Reward Redemption
– Allow users to cancel their Reward redemption in case they want to redeem another reward
– Allow Users to have titles
Users might be able to redeem these titles from the Rewards store or whenever unlocking an Achievement
These titles can appear under their profile

5. Power Ups
– Users can redeem power ups from the Reward store e.g. x2 points for the next Challenge, ability to reset a Challenge/Topic

Leveling Up!

This is an entirely new game element that we are hoping to incorporate into our product which we feel will greatly elevate the gamification experience for our users. This idea is still in its early stages so do let us know if you have had any cool ideas about this!

Some thoughts on this so far:
– We could use the points earned for completing Challenges as “XP” and use that to calculate the Player’s level.
– We could add a different “XP” field on each Challenge while keeping points as they are.

Points System

We thought it would be great that admins could reduce/increase points if a user completes a Challenge before/after a certain date.

Content Types


We are looking to include more forms of interaction and community incentives within our platform based on your feedback. Let us know if you have community suggestions that we can explore!

1. Forum Board within a Project
– For discussions and a sense of community.

2. Project Content Sharing

a. To allow Players to share content from the Project to new users (users who are not on the platform yet).

b. The types of content that Players should be able to share are listed below:

i. Achievements

-When it has been earned
When viewed on Player profile
For suggestion/feedback: applicable for unearned Achievements

ii. Topics

When completed
When viewed on Project Home
For suggestions/feedback: show no. of Completions/no. of Players

iii. Challenges

– When completed
When viewed on Topic page
When Challenge Profile is viewed

iv. Rewards

– Upon purchasing/redeeming a Reward
– When viewing a Reward on the Reward store
– For suggestion/feedback: only applicable purchased/redeemed or any Reward?

v. Completions

– Upon completion feedback screen
– On Activity Feed
– For suggestion/feedback: to include the ability to share others’ completions?

vi. Comments

– Upon posting a comment
On Topic, Challenge, Completion comment page
– For suggestion/feedback: to include the ability to share others’ comments?

3. Group Chats
– Allow for users to converse with their Teams or with an ad-hoc group of users as they desire.

4. Point Gifting
– Players will be allowed to gift each other points (perhaps Rewards or Achievements too) for completions, comments or just on a whim.
– This would encourage more community-driven interactions for various use cases.
– Added ability for Admins to set the point gifting limit for the Project (daily, weekly, monthly, all-time etc.) to prevent abuse and control the usage of this mechanic

App Customiser

We want to include more personalization and flexibility to our App Customizer to suit your preference and branding. Let us know what else you would want to see customized for your Projects!

1. Ability to upload image(s) to customize Project tour screens
– May consider including a little ‘?’ icon in a corner or menu so that users can view the guide/instructions for that Project the first time they log in (similar to a pop-up menu) and whenever they wish to review the rules/instructions.

2. Allow Admins a greater degree of customizations for their Projects
– Some colour theme customization options:
 i. Set the colour of the navigation bar
 ii. Set the colour of home button backgrounds
 iii. Set the colour of home button text
 iv. Set the colour of CTA buttons (do Topic, do Challenge etc.)
– Open for suggestions!

3. Customize Topic Layout
– Create and maintain a set of Topic Layouts that Admins can choose from to display their Topics.
– “Linear track” style Topic layouts are commonly requested, so that Players can see the “path” they are meant to take
– “Map” style Topic layouts are also highly favoured to give the Player a sense of where they are and aid in immersion in the narrative

4. Ability to Select a Default Project Home Page
– Select between the Activity Feed, the Topics List, and the Project Forum as the default page users land on when first launching a Project.
– This can help Admins better plan their narrative for the Project and encourage the behaviour they want to see.
For example:
i. Interact with others – open the Project Comments (to eventually be the Project Forum)
ii. View all activities and comments on the Project – open the Activity Feed)
iii. Complete Challenges and view Flashcards – open the Topic List (i.e. our current Project Home page)