Gametize Hub

[SMUX LTB] Sustainability Series: Welcome to Starbies

NOTE: Starbucks is not a client in this project but used as a case in this academic exercise.

Starting off first in our series the Sustainability games that were submitted during the SMU-X LTB 2023 module, this game aims to target Starbucks Employees and encourage them to adopt more sustainability habits through an already existing initiative that Starbucks has.

Their Problem Statement

By 2030, Starbucks aims to cut its carbon, water, and waste footprints in half. Surprisingly, a recent study by JLL found that 65% of Asia Pacific employees are unaware of their companies’ carbon reduction goals, and 60% feel excluded from green initiatives. However, 50% of employees express a strong desire to participate in reducing carbon emissions. To address this, Starbucks focuses on educating and engaging their retail staff to become sustainability advocates, starting a game that empowers employees and inspires customers to embrace green practices.


  • Reduce carbon, water, and waste footprints by half by 2030.
  • Expanding plant-based menu options.
  • Shifting from single-use to reusable packaging.
  • Working on improved waste management strategies.
  • Innovating for more responsible stores, operations, manufacturing, and delivery.

Game Content

In the engaging sustainability game offered by Starbucks, participants will embark on a four-week journey, each week focusing on a different aspect of environmental responsibility:

Week 1: Plant-Based Menus – Participants will explore and learn about the expanded range of plant-based menu options. They will discover the benefits of reducing reliance on animal products and how plant-based choices can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Week 2: Reusable Packaging Shift – This week will emphasize the importance of shifting away from single-use packaging. Participants will discover innovative ways in which Starbucks is transitioning to reusable packaging solutions, reducing waste, and promoting a circular economy.

Week 3: Waste Management Focus – The focus shifts towards waste management, as participants delve into the strategies to manage waste effectively. They will learn about recycling initiatives, waste reduction practices, and the importance of responsible waste disposal.

Week 4: Innovation for Earth Restoration and Cultivating Sustainable Habits – In the final week, participants will explore the innovative measures to restore the Earth and nurture sustainable habits. They will discover initiatives such as responsible sourcing, energy-efficient store operations, and eco-friendly manufacturing and delivery methods. Participants will also be encouraged to develop their own sustainable habits and make positive changes in their daily lives.

Through this engaging and educational game, Starbucks aims to empower participants to become sustainability advocates, spreading awareness and inspiring others to adopt environmentally conscious practices.

Marketing Collaterals

Play Now

1. Play the game first.
3. Use the Template game for your own initiatives.

Credits: [AY2022/23] G3 Team 1 – Valerie Quek Li Yi (Leader), Benjamin Glendon Hiah Tze Kiat, Chen Hao Yeung, Faith Lee Shi Qing, Kelly Tan, Leroy Tham Jun Han, Ng Su Hui, Nicole Wong