Gametize Hub

Brand Kit

Find all you need on Gametize’s brand resources here. Before you start, familiarize yourself with our branding guidelines.

The essentials (i.e. fine print)

Here are some general guidelines for you to follow – consistent use of these assets will help to protect Gametize’s brand.



Get our treasure trove of logos here.
Without tagline
With tagline
Reverse white
Gametize pink

Our logo’s pink. Use this prominently in branding materials.

For text and body copy.

For backgrounds, text, and body copy.
Gametize green

For buttons that require a strong call to action for emphasis.


Here’s a short feature you can use when describing Gametize.
Gametize is the world’s simplest enterprise-grade gamification platform for community engagement and advocacy. Clients use Gametize to motivate target behaviours for various purposes, such as in employees training/performance management, or consumer marketing/sales advocacy. The highly customizable and versatile solution is available on both cloud and on-premises.

Anyone can create a white-label web/mobile campaign in just 5 minutes, leveraging Gametize’s key gamification mechanics (interactive challenges, automated feedback, competition and socializing, and rewards redemption), coupled with their own narrative and theme. Users can complete these fun, social challenges such as answering trivia, posting photos/videos, and later receive feedback such as points and badges, before redeeming prizes in the rewards store.
Gametize is trusted by brands such as Shell, Samsung, P&G, DBS, Singtel, and Accenture, with 15 million challenge completions and more than 300,000 registered users. Gametize has been endorsed by academics and research companies in reports or case studies, such as Bond University, San Jose State University, Forrester. Gametize was also selected as Singapore’s 20 hottest startups in 2015 by Singapore Business Review magazine, and IBM SmartCamp (ASEAN) People’s Choice Winner in 2013.

Gametize is designed with a strong focus on gamification, because it is a proven strategy for motivating behaviors and learning backed by case studies (e.g. Delta Airlines, Microsoft). A pilot case study in Singapore Management University shows that 80% of the students want to see more games powered by Gametize after undergoing a Gametized experience for learning Leadership and Teambuilding.

Here is a video demo – access it via Youtube or Vimeo. More information and featured games can be found at our Cheatsheet.

Here are some examples how Gametize has helped these clients:

  • Through a white-label mobile app, a retail company used Gametize to digitize their sales training to encourage their salesforce to learn about new products and soft skills in a more fun, easy way. The salesforce would learn, compete, redeem rewards on the store, and at the same time help their peers in the app. There has been a positive correlation found between an individual’s sales results and activities in the app.
  • A bank launched a virtual internship and travel experience for employer branding objectives using Gametize. The candidate applying as a management associate would answer fun quizzes about the bank and all 6 cities, and eventually unlock a set of situation test questions.
  • A FMCG brand created a series of personality quizzes on the Gametize platform to recommend the relevant product to the consumer, while another FMCG brand created a customer advocacy program to encourage customers and non-customers alike to complete a series of challenges such as referrals, make purchases, and to create user-generated content.

Gametize can also serve as a loyalty solution that packs a lot more fun. Any actions that can be digitally tracked, such as browsing and purchasing, can be rewarded through our simple REST-based API. Based on Java and MySQL, it is highly customized and works on any server environment as a licensable and out-of-the-box technology. The database will be fully owned and managed by you.

The management team consists of passionate and technically strong co-founders well experienced in gamification, supported by established advisors.

We’re a very photogenic bunch – here are some photos you can use of our product and our people. Just right-click and save to use them!
P.S. We know this is pretty bare at the moment, but we’ll be adding more soon 😉

Demo Video

Want to watch and share our demo video? You got it!

We’re a very photogenic bunch – here are some photos you can use of our product and our people. Just right-click and save to use them!
P.S. We know this is pretty bare at the moment, but we’ll be adding more soon 😉

Want more goodies?

If you want even more resources that you can’t find here, be sure to drop an email to a friendly Gametize representative at or fill up the form below.
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