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Motivation is an employee’s intrinsic desire to do work, and this often results in a more productive person. It is the initiative taken by an individual to complete a task. This motivation has to be nurtured and cannot be left alone to grow. There has to be “a pat on the back” for it to grow stronger.

Think about the times when you were praised for your work. How did you feel? It felt good doesn’t it? You have been acknowledged and your labours are starting to bear fruits! This simple act of acknowledgement can do wonders for the employee’s well-being.

teamwork This acknowledgement can take place through the adoption of game elements. Often, employees in various departments indulge in friendly comparison and envy. They embark on a journey of exploration for answers, igniting the motivation and initiative needed to innovate and create exceptional results. Employees are engaged in business processes, just like game players are engaged in game processes. It adopts the mechanics and psychology of games to promote action. Some of the most frequently used game elements include PBL, which fosters at once cooperation and competition inside companies. To advance, departments, like games, require good skills and teamwork, and these elements increase employees’ knowledge and cooperation.

HR-Gamification-trainerHuman Resource Departments have taken note of this trend and has begun using Gamification to engage employees. Gamification can be said to be an evolution of traditional management methodology. The availability of new technological resources has introduced gamification psychology/elements into processes of many organizations. The Generation X and Y are technologically savvy and are slowly replacing the retiring Baby Boomers generation. They are familiar with technology and would feel most at ease with games at work. In an age of information, they are an impulsive and impatient bunch and thrive on instant gratification. Hard work is expected to be recognised. Game elements of points and rewards are instant and it affirms their motivation to excel. Also, points and rewards act as little incentives that serve as a form of acknowledgement. Human Resource Departments needs to re-energize and motivate employees for daily work tasks, to enable better efficiency and productivity.

diy_gamificationGamification is certainly coming of age, with the help of ubiquitous and unrelenting technological advances, and through the understanding of proper motivation, we are set to enter an evolution. Employees’ engagement is set to be more dynamic and interactive, with partnership and participation being the rule of thumb. This will enable a profitable service profit chain – a correlation between employee satisfaction and customer loyalty.


This post was contributed by Max Ang, Business Development Mentee @ Gametize
Max is the summer Business Ninja at Gametize in 2014. He loves reading, especially on themes that deal with the modern society. A sporty person who enjoys runs in the morning and rock climbing on the weekends.