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[GUEST POST] Why should we build employee engagement?

Max Ang
Guest Writer (TJC)
Disclaimer: Guest posts represent the diversity of opinion within the world of gamification, and the views and opinions expressed in guest articles are those of the author. 

Research Company Gallup released this figure in a 2013 study – only 13% of employees are engaged at work! The bulk of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged. That is, they are either feeling negative about, or are creating negativity at the workplace. It is certainly not an office where productivity is at its best. We picture zombies!

Traditionally, organizations focus on extrinsic motivation for attendance and participation. For instance, an organization may conduct an optional competition for learning, offering tangible rewards in exchange. It would appeal to the 13% but not for the unenthusiastic employees. They are the zombies, who work to live, and are probably the ones who do the bare minimal at work. Initiatives and innovations are bleak in such a scenario.
Another instance of poor engagement is the presentation of corporate manuals and PowerPoints. Badly designed PowerPoints gave rise to the term, “Death by PowerPoint”, and it is certainly not a myth. As a result, employees become disengaged and may lack the necessary knowledge to excel at their job. The lack of attention translates to terrible performance at work.
Organisations have to understand their employees and build a shiny culture of excellence. A happy workforce thrives on playing, sharing, learning and exploring. It should be fiercely protective of one another and embrace the strength of everyone in the team. A unified culture creates purpose but it must have room for autonomy. Autonomy allows for problem solving and this breeds creativity and innovation.

One of the ways to engage is through Gamification, which encourages problem solving with game mechanics

Gamification can be designed to only let you proceed when you succeed, creating a bias for exceptional results. The element of gaming may not tolerate wrong answers, but it is forgiving in mistakes. There is an allowance to repeat, encouraging doing and learning. This develops a work culture that is lean, agile and iterative, removing the need for redundant legacy. Allowing exploration and risk develop employees who are energetic and driven to succeed.
Employee engagement is changing more than ever, especially with the advent of the Generation X and Y. Work structures are becoming increasingly flexible. Unless a job requires stringent control like a factory, employees of today will thrive on group work and collaboration.  Element of fun will loosen up the inhibition of employees and make sharing viable. We should create the chance for quick learning and adjustments. Bring the zombies back to life, just like R in Warm Bodies. Aim for engagements that inspire and motivate employees!
This post was contributed by Max Ang, Business Development Mentee @ Gametize
Max is the summer Business Ninja at Gametize in 2014. He loves reading, especially on themes that deal with the modern society. A sporty person who enjoys runs in the morning and rock climbing on the weekends.
Published on 24 June, 2014
Revised 26 June, 2020