Gametize Hub

Gametize Platform Major Release Updates – June 2020

Customer Experience Lead
The Gametize platform has some major release updates which we’d love for you to learn more about. Read on to see what we’ve been up to!

[FEATURE UPDATE] Project Analytics Dashboard Revamp

June 2020 Product Update
The Project Analytics Dashboard has always been the neglected child when it comes to enhancements on the Gametize platform. Now, with a dedicated team overseeing its development, we are hoping to bring you better insights to your Project data as well as give you the tools to create a better Project. This is the first of the many Analytics dashboard revamps – with 4 key highlights. Read our feature update below to learn more on the key highlights.

[FEATURE UPDATE] A Friendlier Administrator Manager

For the longest time, the Gametize platform only allowed existing users to be added as Administrators and Moderators. For many Project Owners, this would often mean a multiple-steps process just to enroll helping hands to manage the Project.
You can toss that out the window now! With our friendlier Administrator Manager, you can invite new users to your Project as Project Administrators from the get-go and accounts will be created for them. Just like how you can invite new users to your Project as Players.

More content unlocking rules!

We’ve introduced more rules for locking a Flashcard or Challenge! For Project Admins, you will now have more tools to enhance your Players’ gamification experience as they interact with your Project.
The 2 rules we’ve added are:
(1) Complete this Challenge at least ‘x’ times
(2) Earn at least ‘x’ points in this Challenge  

Feeling overwhelmed?

We know it can be hard to keep up with all that’s happening on Gametize, but we just can’t keep all these new developments to ourselves! Go on and explore and let us know what’s good and what’s bad! Send us a ticket or hop over to our Community to post your views.
Published on 3 June, 2020