Gametize Hub

Sustainability Series: SustanY

As we are coming to the end of Sustainability Series 1, let’s embark on an exhilarating adventure where you step into the shoes of superheroes, battling against the formidable waste monster known as “Carbonator.” This menacing entity wreaks havoc, leaving a destructive trail of waste throughout the city, and it’s up to you to confront this environmental threat head-on.

Problem Statement

By 2030, 1.3 billion more people worldwide will enter the consumer class with higher purchasing power. The growth in affluence continues to drive consumerism, cultivating the “throwaway” culture within our society.

Despite public awareness of and concern about climate change, sustainable options for consumers often require too much sacrifice. The lack of accessible and affordable climate-friendly choices are barriers to sustainable consumption.

This is where large corporations can play a part in offering its employees a sustainable workspace culture by engaging in a combined effort of reducing, reusing and recycling consumables. In turn, companies will be able to build its employee brand and achieve higher profitability and better long-term investments through good ESG practices.



  • To increase the number of people partaking in sustainability efforts
  • To reduce the amount of unwanted household items being discarded
  • A GlobeScan survey in 2019 found 70% of respondents said they were personally concerned about sustainability issues
  • At the end of our campaign, we hope to increase awareness from 70% 🡪 at least 85%
  • Pre/post-campaign census data will be gathered through analytics
  • Likert scale questions will also be used to quantify responses
  • To accommodate a 5-day work week, the first 5 challenges will be conducted at their office, while the last 2 will be self-directed
  • With at least 75% of participation rate from each department, our campaign will drive more traffic and raise awareness about sustainability issues
  • Rather than limiting participants, this challenge can be taken by anyone in the workplace, which will raise awareness for sustainability
  • Complete the 7-day challenge 

Game Content

Action Themed Narrative

Players assume the role of superheroes fighting against the waste monster, “Carbonator”, which is wrecking havoc by leaving a trail of waste in the city.

Aim of the Game
  • Players need to accumulate “attack” points as they complete challenges to defeat the waste monster, “Carbonator”. 
  • The team that accumulates the most “attack” points at the end of the game will deal the biggest damage to “Carbonator” and win.
Topic Overarching Aims
  • Mission 1 & 2: Increasing awareness on consumerism habits
  • Mission 3 & 4: Empowerment towards adopting zero-waste practices
  • Mission 5 & 6: De-stigmatising & Encouraging Second-Hand Shopping
Challenges Content & Aims
  • Storyline: Integration of action themed narrative to approach the problem of zero-waste in a fun way
  • Quizzes/Polls: Bite-sized challenges to engage players on the topic of zero-waste
  • Physical Activities: Communal challenges to encourage F2F-interaction & employee bonding, non-working hours too
  • Reflections: Banks on the emotions of players to trigger a series of insightful thoughts on the topic and their selves

Marketing Collaterals

Play Now

1. Play the game first.

2. Use the Template game for your own initiatives.

Credits: [AY2022/23] G5 Team 2 – Amanda Mah Xiu Min, Chang Kai Ling Karen , Kelly Goh, Lee Ru Xuan, Nur Natasha Binte Rafi , Tang Wei Tung Marcus, Yeo Jing Hao Justin