Gametize Hub

[GUEST POST] Top 10 Myths of Gamification

Mark Schreiber
Guest Writer
Disclaimer: Guest posts represent the diversity of opinion within the world of gamification, and the views and opinions expressed in guest articles are those of the author. 
Adam and Eve Leveling Down

1. Gamification is new.

Tell that to Adam and Eve, who got history’s biggest level down on the Apple Challenge.

2. Gamification is a passing fad.

Why do people always say “passing fad?” Aren’t all fads passing? In any case, if it’s not new it can’t be a fad. What critics are referring to is digital gamification, which is new only because cheap mobile devices with more computing power than the Apollo space program are new. Unless the lights go out, gamification won’t either.

3. Gamification is worthless because it's superficial.

Hey, you’re not lying on the beach or spending $150 at the salon for the benefit of your internal organs. Unless you’re at a wedding or a funeral, there’s nothing wrong with being superficialngth or awkwardness spells a word’s doom. Can you say “entrepreneurship?”

4. The name's too ugly to last.

I get paid by the letter, so I love it. And you’re mistaken if you think length or awkwardness spells a word’s doom. Can you say “entrepreneurship?”

5. Gamification is no different from a game. It's a distinction without a difference.

The Olympic events are games. The medal ceremonies with podiums and flags and national anthems are gamification. [Comment by Keith from Gametize: Game lets people escape from the real world. Gamification lets people escape IN the real world]

6. Gamification is by nature less important than a real game.

Then why do people cry at medal ceremonies? Why do they mean so much? The scene at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City when American runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fist on the podium as a expression of black pride is remembered to this day, long after the race itself was forgotten.

7. A lot of people won't buy in.

Everyone already buys in, whether it’s fantasy football leagues or frequent flier programs or church raffles. Critics underestimate the degree to which people everywhere are already allured with gamification.

8. Gamification is a science.

Gamification is an art.

9. Gamification is easy.

Then you do it.

10. Gamification exploits people.

Bad gamification exploits people. Good gamification empowers them.
Published on 31 May, 2012

This post was contributed by Mark Schreiber, guest writer
Mark Schreiber is a full time novelist since graduating high school at the age of 15. He also engineered his sister’s bestselling writing career and started and run several businesses, including a solo medical practice. He’s currently interested in technological entrepreneurship in Singapore and Silicon Valley.

5 thoughts on “[GUEST POST] Top 10 Myths of Gamification”

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