Gametize Roadmap 2023
Hi there! We’re excited to share our Gametize Roadmap 2023 with you. We’ve been hard at work on the Gametize App 2.0, bringing a whole new gamification experience that will allow users to build the gamification project in a more engaging way than ever before. It will also include a number of new features that we can’t wait to tell you about!
Learn more about what we’ve come up with for Gametize and feel free to head over to our Roadmap Game 2023 to leave your comments/feedback
1. Gametize App 2.0 (Beta)
We are excited to introduce you to our Gametize App 2.0! With all the feedback gathered from our existing users and some new trends we have discovered along the way, we have decided to revamp and improve on our current app to enhance user experience.
Sneak Peek of Gametize 2.0: (
Are you ready for our new and improved app? Download and experience it for yourself now!
Links to download the Gametize App 2.0:
- iOS:
- Android:
*Do note that the Gametize App 2.0 is still work-in-progress.
2. Locking/Unlocking Rule
We want the rules to be more intuitive and easier to follow, so we are revamping our locking/unlocking rules for multiple types of content (e.g. Topics/Challenges/Rewards/Achievements)
a. More Unlocking Rules
- We aim to expand our unlocking rules for all content as for now we have different rules for different types of content
e.g. Currently, challenges can only be unlocked based on the completion of previous challenges. The gamification experience will be more diversified if we allow any rule to be set to unlock challenges or topics such as Achievements, Rewards or Awardable.
b. New Locking Rules
- Lock content without any rules
e.g. To show players that there are more content, but don’t want them to access it yet
- Unlock content by achieving a specific leaderboard position
e.g. Awarding an achievement when a player is x position on the Leaderboard
- Revert locking rules
e.g. Rather than just removing it then having to remember which Challenge/Topic the original rule was meant to be is just to revert the locking rule

c. New Awardable Actions
- Grant points to players upon initial login
e.g. Daily login points
- Grant points to players for logging in within a specific time frame
e.g. Bonus points for new sign-up
d. Unlock Content based on Selected Options
- Allow different content to unlock based on a quiz or poll challenge. This can be used to build custom narratives in projects
e.g. Ask if the players like chocolate or vanilla ice cream > unlock the challenge which has an image of chocolate or vanilla ice crease based on which option they chose.
3. Rewards System
Our Rewards system is one of the most desirable front-end features for players. Our players are always looking forward to redeeming rewards, thus we are recommending several tweaks to enhance the experience for players by providing new ways to give Rewards to players.
a. Pre/Post Redemption Message
- Have two descriptions showing up before/after redemption of an item from the Reward store
e.g. Description before the reward is redeemed: Grab a Starbucks Coffee;
Description after the reward is redeemed: You will receive the redemption code within 2 weeks through email
b. Multiple Choice for Reward
- Select an option from a Reward
e.g. selecting a shirt size / colors

c. Coupon Code Redemption
- Upload a list of redemption codes for players to redeem or assign players with coupon codes after they collect a Reward
e.g. Players will receive a Starbuck coupon code: XXXXXXXXXXXX after redeeming the Starbuck Vouchers from the reward store.
d. Ability to Cancel Reward Redemption
- Currently, only Admins have the ability to cancel a reward redemption. There can be cases where the Players would like to use their credits for other rewards. A function to cancel reward redemption via the player app and web will be useful.
e. Redemption of Achievement
- Unlock Achievement by redeeming it at the Reward Store
f. Power Ups
- Redeem power ups from the reward store with users’ points
e.g. x2 points for the next Challenge, 50/50 elimination of options for a Quiz Challenge
4. Points System
We thought it would be great that admins could set reduced/increased points to a challenge if they are completed before/after a certain date. Players who attempted the Challenge earlier advantage over Players who attempted it nearer to the ‘deadline’.
e.g. Players can earn 100 points by completing the challenge on the first 3 days; Players can only earn 50 points on the 4th day onwards.
5. Leveling Up!
Leveling up is a great design because it helps to create a sense of progression and challenge for the player. Aspects such as Player Titles/Ranks/gaining XP (Experience) on the platform to boost players engagement and retention.
Some thoughts on this so far:
- We could use the points earned for completing challenges as “XP” and use that to calculate the Player’s level.
- We could add a different “XP” field on each challenge while keeping points as they are.
- Players can unlock Titles by completing an achievement or even redeem from the rewards store. This title will be reflected in the home screen under the player’s profile. This feature can be used to act as a reward or recognition earned by players for content accomplishment.

6. Content Types
a. Assessment Topic
The top features request for Assessment Topic are:
- Able to assign a “passing score”
- Passing score to consider only completion points (and not bonus points)
- Players can retry if they fail (subject to admin’s settings for topic)
- Time limit for completing the Assessment Topic, the topic will be locked and the score will be “finalized” at the end of the time limit.
This is meant to compliment real events and/or occasions. e.g. Christmas, New Year, Amazing Race, or Treasure Hunt events, etc. It can also serve as a good engagement tactic to increase the user active rate.
b. Time Based Events
i. Declare a time period or duration from a fixed time/action trigger that allows for “Events”. Possible Timed Events include:
- Leaderboards ( e.g. 4 hours to earn as many points as possible/get a good leaderboard position)
- Challenges (e.g. Challenges that will only be available for a fixed period of time, after which they will be closed/expired)
- Topics (similar to challenges)
- Rewards (e.g. Rewards that will only be available for a limited time before becoming unavailable)
- Achievements (similar to rewards)
- Bonus Points/Awardable Actions (only can be earned while the event is active)
ii. For a fully-realized feature, we would also include options such as:
- Some log/record of event results (for Players/Admins to review at any time)
- Option to set recurrence of the event (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc.)
- Function for the event to begin for each user individually (individual accomplishment) or for the entire
- Project (competitive setting)
- Defining an event trigger
- e.g. all users have been allocated to teams
iii. An “event calendar” that allows Players to see what are the upcoming events within the Project
c. 5/7/10 Point Scale
- Create a rating scale challenge type (e.g. 1 to 5), where users can select a rating to complete the challenge. This can be used to represent users feedback.
e.g. How satisfied are you with the service you have received from Gametize?
- The Admin should be able to define what each point on the scale indicates, for example:
1 = Extremely Dissatisfied, 2 = Moderately Dissatisfied, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Moderately Satisfied, 5 = Extremely Satisfied
d. Minigames
Minigames will be a new content type, along with challenges and flashcards. The use of minigames can help in making communication and interaction memorable. The types of minigames planned are:
i. Random-outcome Games
- This type of minigames can be used to increase engagement with users and bring more entertainment to them.
- Spin The Wheel
Players spin the wheel for an opportunity to earn extra points - Scratch Card
Players are given a scratch card (or allowed to choose from 3 scratch cards) where they have a chance to win extra points
ii. Carnival Games
- Memory/Matching Game
Players need to find a match for a card. If the match is not successful, one life is deducted. The game ends either when the player has matched all the cards successfully, or when the player has run out of lives. Players could be rewarded by points based on the total number of successful matches. - Maze
Players have to solve the maze in a given time limit by moving the character around the maze. The game ends when the character reaches the “End” point. Players could be rewarded by points based on the number of steps moved.
iii. Word Games
- Hangman
Players will have to select letters to form the correct word. The admin can set the number of incorrect guesses allowed, as “hearts” or lives remaining. Whenever a wrong letter is selected, one heart will be taken away. The remaining number of hearts after the word is guessed will be converted into points. - Reorder The Objects
Players have to drag and drop the given options to re-order them. Players could be rewarded by points based on the correct answers.
iv. Extension of existing features to support Minigames
- Link a Content to Popup Alerts
Pop-up alerts are limited to URLs and images in the current state. This allows content to appear as pop-ups the moment players enter the project. - Hide from Topic List
Admin can device where they want their content to appear
e.g. Admin can create challenges/flashcards/minigames that are only accessible via the Home buttons
7. Community
a. Forum Board within a Project
- For discussions and a sense of community.
b. Project Content Sharing
- Players can share content from the project to new users (users who are not on the platform yet). The types of content that players should be able to share are listed below:
i. Achievements
- When it has been earned
- When viewed on Player profile
- For suggestion/feedback: applicable for unearned Achievements
ii. Topics
- When completed
- When viewed on Project Home
- For discussion: show no. of completions/no. of players?
iii. Challenges
- When completed
- When viewed on Topic Page
- When Challenge Profile is viewed
iv. Rewards
- Upon purchasing/redeeming a Reward
- When viewing a Reward on the Reward store
- For discussion: only purchased/redeemed? or any reward?
v. Completions
- Upon completion feedback screen
- On Activity Feed
- For discussion: share other’s completions?
vi. Comments
- Upon posting a comment
- On Topic, Challenge, Completion comment page
- For discussion: share other’s comments?
c. Group Chats
- Players are able to converse with their teams or with an ad-hoc group of users as they desire.
d. Point Gifting
- Players are able to give each other points (perhaps Rewards or Achievements too) for completions, comments or just on a whim.
- This would encourage more community-driven interactions for various use cases.
- Admins are able to set the point gifting limit for the Project (daily, weekly, monthly, all-time etc.) to prevent abuse and control the usage of this mechanic.

8. App Customiser
We want to include more personalization and flexibility to our App Customizer to suit your preference and branding.
a. Able to upload image(s) to customize Project tour screens
- Admin can upload images to create custom project tour screens to guide players for that Project.
- May consider including a little ‘?’ icon in a corner or menu so that players can view the guide/instructions for that Project the first time they log in (similar to a pop-up menu) and whenever they wish to review the rules/instructions.
b. Admins are able to have a greater degree of customizations for their Projects
- Some colour theme customization options:
- Set the colour of the navigation bar
- Set the colour of home button backgrounds
- Set the colour of home button text
- Set the colour of CTA buttons (do Topic, do Challenge etc.)
c. Customize Topic Layout (This feature has implemented in Gametize App 2.0)
- Create and maintain a set of Topic layouts that admins can choose from to display their Topics.
- “Linear track” style Topic layouts are commonly requested, so that players can see the “path” they are meant to take
- “Map” style Topic layouts are also highly favored to give the player a sense of where they are and aid in immersion in the narrative
d. Able to Select a Default Project Home Page
- Select between the Activity Feed, the Topics List, and the Project Forum as the default page players land on when first launching a Project.
- This can help Admins better plan their narrative for the Project and encourage the behaviour they want to see.
- For example:
- Interact with others – open the Project Comments (to eventually be the Project Forum)
- View all activities and comments on the Project – open the Activity Feed)
- Complete Challenges and view Flashcards – open the Topic List (i.e. our current Project Home page)