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Game Analytics 201

Game Analytics 201 Other than the analytics found in the previous analytics guide, there are other useful data that can be found on the Gametize admin console. 1. Project Analytics View the Overall Statistics for your game by clicking on Project Analytics. There, you will be able to view the statistics of your game since […]

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Project-Topic-Challenge/Flashcard 201

Project-Topic-Challenge/Flashcard 201 In the previous article, we covered the essentials of the project, topic, challenge and flashcard (e.g. what it is, what it can do, etc). Great stuff, right? Well, there’s more! In this article, we’ll go through the various additional features attached to projects, topics, challenges and flashcards. Privacy and Publish Status A project

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Game Analytics 101

Each game has an objective and intended behavior that they are trying to shape their players into. The more the players play the game, the closer the players are moving towards the behaviour. Hence forth, indicating that your game is successful. The Gametize Admin Console provides a wide range of analytics and reports that will

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