Gametize Hub

Proposal Blueprints

A Gamified Learning and Collaborative Platform for Early Childhood Educators

Proposal: A Gamified Learning and Collaborative Platform for Early Childhood Educators

A Proposal for Institute for Adult Learning Inlab. In this Open Innovation Challenge 2024 run, The Challenge Owner’s through InLab requested a gamification solution that can help the them to look for a solution that provides an engaging learning platform for pre-school educators to encourage them to enhance their skills and competencies, facilitates collaboration between educators for knowledge sharing, and allows educators to update and engage with parents on a regular basis. If proven successful, the solution could potentially be scaled for deployment to other pre-schools in Singapore.

Proposal: A Gamified Learning and Collaborative Platform for Early Childhood Educators Read More »

Gamified Learning for Children with ASD Gametize

Proposal: Gamified Learning for Children with ASD to support their functional independence

The objective is to work with THKMC and stakeholders to launch a campaign on to support children with ASD in acquiring functional competencies like ADL and CL skills and retaining and applying them. The campaign should also facilitate monitoring and measuring of developmental outcomes. AHPs and champions should be equipped with the ability to create, edit, and curate fresh content with the platform’s training and support.

Proposal: Gamified Learning for Children with ASD to support their functional independence Read More »