Gametize Hub

Team Gametize

Gamification of Health

Gamification of Health Running is tough. Oops, I meant to say that it’s tough if you’re unmotivated and unfit, like me. With cases of diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity on the rise in developing and developed countries, gamification companies have decided to take matters into their hands. ‘Nike Run,’ ‘Zombie, Run!’, ‘Sworkit,’ and ‘Superhero […]

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Thoughts from a Millennial: Gamification of learning

Thoughts from a Millennial: Gamification of learning Gamification will probably sound like a foreign word to you, if you’ve never touched a gaming console in your life. Yet, gamification is pervasive, and lies right under most of our noses—‘our’ referring to our generation of millennials. “What? I don’t even game!” You might cry out in

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Confessions of a Gametize Intern: The truth about gamification

Confessions of a Gametize Intern: The truth about gamification As a sixteen-year-old going on seventeen who hadn’t the first clue as to what gaming was about, you could say that when I first signed up to spend four weeks of my life at Gametize (a local startup that specializes in gamification), I was overwhelmed. Mainly,

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Gamification of product advertising: M&Ms

Gamification of product advertising: M&Ms What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you think of the word ‘marketing’? Perhaps you’d envision an enthusiastic promoter, someone who’s good with words, trying to convince customers of a product’s value. Well, in light of technological advancements and the introduction of gamification into the field of marketing,

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4 ways gamification has redefined today’s workplace

4 ways gamification has redefined today’s workplace If you’re like me, a newbie to the whole concept of gamification and what it’s about, you’d probably be confused as to what the applications of gaming are. To be succinct, gamification has been used in various industries and sectors to facilitate processes and to make the experience

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