Gametize Hub


Read up on all our latest on what’s happening in the world of Gametize – we’ll share our insights on the world of gamification, tips and tricks, and more.

Quantity is not quality. Pick only the game elements that you need.

Quantity is not quality. Pick only the game elements that you need. Points, Rewards, Achievements, Leaderboard, Teams.Each has its own perks, yet implementing all of them does not mean that your game is the best. Focusing too much on the rewards may demotivate your players towards learning, while team based games will not be effective when the […]

Quantity is not quality. Pick only the game elements that you need. Read More »

What has Gamification got to do with Politics?

Gamification – the concept of incorporating game-design elements into distribution channels or activities to drive engagement – has been adopted in recruitment, marketing, learning and development, and even HR practices. Politics is also no stranger to the concept, as gamification has been predominant for driving advocacy and engagement…but let us first begin with the basics.

What has Gamification got to do with Politics? Read More »