Gametize Hub

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Triple R Sustainability Series

Sustainability Series: Know your Bloobin: Reducing Carbon Footprints in Daily Life

Sustainability Series: Know your Bloobin: Reducing Carbon Footprints in Daily Life Gametize News & Updates, Learning & Development 1. 6D Playbook Define the problem Lack of education and good habits within educational institutes has resulted in neglect of the 3Rs. Determine your goals To reduce the total amount of wastage contributed by educational institutions in

Sustainability Series: Know your Bloobin: Reducing Carbon Footprints in Daily Life Read More »

Commercial Aviation

Sustainability Series: Sustainability in Commercial Aviation

Sustainability Series: Sustainability in Commercial Aviation Gametize News & Updates, Learning & Development As the world gradually emerges from the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, the aviation industry is experiencing a huge resurgence. People are eager to resume their travels, both for leisure and business, and airlines are ramping up operations to meet this growing

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Gametize Be Breast Aware Campaign

Be #BreastAware

Be #BreastAware! A campaign to increase awareness and action of early-onset Breast Cancer. Brenda Nicole Tan Co-Founder, UX Lead My Story Most of us don’t want to think about cancer happening to us in our younger years. It sounds too far-fetched, something that only happens to people in their 50s. Until I got hit by

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