Gametize Hub

Employee Engagement

Read up on all our articles about gamification in Employee Engagement: we’ll cover onboarding, culture-building, incentives programs, and more.

Biodiversity Sustainability

Sustainability Series: Space Odyssey: Echoes of Earth

Defining our problem statement was a challenging task, as sustainability is a complex topic that encompasses a wide range of materials. Initially, we all had different ideas. Nevertheless, we managed to reach a consensus after listening to each individual’s input and unanimously voted for our current problem statement. Once we determined our problem statement, the next challenge was to ensure that we established the right goals to align with it. During this process, one of the members assumed a leadership role and guided the process, leveraging her experience with our target age group, which made her more knowledgeable in this aspect.

Sustainability Series: Space Odyssey: Echoes of Earth Read More »

Reduce Packaging Waste

Sustainability Series: Captain Parcel

Sustainability Series: Captain Parcel Gametize News & Updates, Learning & Development 1. 6D Playbook Defining the Problem The rapid growth of online shopping has led to a significant environmental issue: excessive e-commerce packaging. E-commerce contributes significantly to plastic waste, with 40% of all plastic production used in packaging (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, n.d.).

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Employee Engagement for an Aircraft Engineering Company

Case Study: Employee Engagement for an Aircraft Engineering Company

An aircraft engineering company wanted a better engagement solution via gamification that would allow them to gather information on one single platform and encourage greater staff engagement.

With Gametize, the client was able to create a one-stop platform to disseminate information and training materials quickly and easily to the different departments.

Case Study: Employee Engagement for an Aircraft Engineering Company Read More »

Food Overconsumption

Sustainability Series: Nurture for Nature

Sustainability Series: Nurture for Nature Gametize News & Updates, Learning & Development 1. Introduction In a society on the brink of environmental damage due to collective habits, “Nurture for Nature” confronts the issue of food overconsumption. This game seeks to ignite a revolution, turning awareness into actionable change. It’s an invitation for everyone, not just

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